November has been extremely eventful! It started with a week with a family here in Bouaké, and recently Thanksgiving and the regional conference for the missionaries in the area (that started on Thanksgiving). We also had a team of short termers with us. They left today, Friday the 30th. But the thing I wanted to write about the most this month is all of our placements with different families. This placement will be for the rest of the year (until about next September for half of us).
There are 10 of us. One person, Drew, who is not really a journeyer but kind of is, has been living with a family for a month already in Borobo, which is just east of Bouaké and will only stay there until the beginning of January (shorter than everyone else). Two people a guy and a lady will be in Korhogo in two different churches, two ladies in Niéméné, two ladies in Niakara (short for Niakaramandougou), two guys in Boundaili, and two leaders (a couple) in Katiola. I will be in a small village very close to Ferké (short for Ferkessedougou) called Tiepogovogo. There are several American missionaries in Ferké and it is pretty close to Korhogo also, so I am not alone there, but I am the only Journeyer placed in that immediate area. I really like my placement. All of us will be working very closely with local churches.
There is no electricity or internet in my village, and no running water (don’t worry I will have a filter and a well). In my village people in every family have their own hut (except children), so I will have a very small building to myself (well that is what we think they will do, not sure yet really). I will be working with the Nyarafolo who are officially an unreached people group. I will have to learn Nyarafolo because not many people in my village speak French. I am supper excited to learn a local language. In my village there are 50 believers already, which is about half of the village (there were only 3 when missionaries arrived there many years ago). But the entire ethnicity of Nyarafolo only has about 0.06% Evangelical Christians (according to Linn Boese a missionary working with this people group). I will be in close contact with Linn as I stay in Tiepogovogo. She and her husband Glen have been working with this people for over 20 years and translating the Word of God into Nyarafolo. You can learn more about my village and the neighboring city Ferké from Linn’s perspective here:
We all were placed in our specific places because of our interests in helping the people. For example Haylei and Carina were placed in Niéméné because they are interested in social justice and the legal side of that and Niéméné is a very political town. I was placed in Tiepogovogo near Ferké for one because the Christian hospital in Ferké is expanding and I might be able to help there with my background in Landscape Architecture and my connections, but also because I can help in my town. The church in Tiepogovogo requested a young journey corps volunteer. I don’t know why yet, but I do know they are reaching out to a neighboring village that only as a few believers in it. So I look forward to working with them in whatever way I can and moreover however God would allow and open doors. Linn and I talked about maybe working with women also. All of these things are just pieces in a puzzle right now, but I know that God has a plan and I am excited to see what he does with me in Tiepogovogo!